Robson Communities will be allowed to build homes on a vacant parcel at PebbleCreek, but Goodyear leaders urged the developer to restore relations with residents who fought the proposal for months.
The City Council on Monday voted 6-1 to allow Robson to proceed with the project, which calls for 13 homes on 4.3 acres at the southeastern corner of Clubhouse Drive and Robson Circle. Residents now use the space as a parking lot for the Eagle's Nest Clubhouse.
Residents argued that building houses on the land will strip the neighborhood of open space and obstruct views of a nearby clubhouse.
Robson, developer of the master-planned, active-adult community, owns the vacant parcel.
On Monday, some council members were on the fence about the proposed homes. They felt Robson had not followed the council's recommendation to work on a compromise with residents.
Several council members voiced concerns about Robson's interactions with PebbleCreek residents but approved plans for the 13 one-story houses.
Councilman Dick Sousa cast the dissenting vote.
Days earlier, Robson officials met with residents at PebbleCreek to present project changes. Robson scaled back previous plans and agreed to build 13 homes instead of 16, preserve some grassy areas and create space between the outer neighborhood wall and the curbside.
Tensions ran high during the meeting, and Robson officials reminded residents that the developer owned the private property at the center of the controversy.
Some residents gave Robson credit for listening to their concerns and adjusting its plans for that parcel.
"I feel like they have done an excellent job of trying to mitigate the major complaints that people had," said Holly Carrier, a resident.
by Eddi Trevizo The Arizona Republic Aug. 28, 2010 12:00 AM
13 homes OK'd at PebbleCreek